
From Humble Beginnings

The Inaugural Meeting of the Lodge was held in the Masonic Hall, Ipswich, on February 19th, 1866 as Caledonian Lodge No.456 S.C.

This two-storied brick hall, situated on the corner of Brisbane and Thorn Streets was the property of Queensland Lodge No.921 E.C. (now No.2 U.G.L.Q.), and it is reputed to be the first Masonic Hall built in Queensland. Therein met, John Kennedy Donald, 1st. Wor. Master; James C. Moffatt, 1st. Senior Warden; and William Duesberry, 1st. Junior Warden, together with Bros. Patrick Clarke, Abraham Fitzgibbon, Alexander G. Gilmour, John MacDonald, jnr., Thomas Hamilton, James A. Rath, Adam Robb Moffatt, David Rodger, Henry Dawe and Alexander Hutchinson. These, with Bro. J. Pimm, Tyler already to Queensland Lodge, The Earl of Mornington Lodge and United Tradesmen's Lodge, constituted the first fourteen Members of Caledonian Lodge; surely a prophetic number.

Some thirty odd visitors signed the Attendance Roll Book, including: W.M. Boyce, Deputy Provincial Grand Master of the English Constitution and a Member of North Australian Lodge No. 1098; the Wor. Master H.V. Hassell and several Brothers of Queensland Lodge No.921 E.C.; the Wor. Master J. Robinson and Brothers of United Tradesman Lodge No.217 I.C.; and a number of Brethren from Earl of Mornington Lodge No.208 I.C.; St. Patrick's of Cork No.8 I.C.; and Courage with Humanity No.557.

The local newpaper in Ipswich, the "Queensland Times" reported of the meeting on February 20th, 1866, which read:-

About fifty brethren of the Masonic Order assembled at the Masonic Hall last evening, on the occasion of the opening of a new Lodge, called the Caledonian, holding of the Grand Lodge of Scotland. Lodge having been opened in the usual form, authority was read from the Provincial Grand Master of Victoria, empowering Bro. A.G.Gilmour, Past Master of Glasgow Kilwinning Lodge (Scotland) to open and consecrate the new Lodge.

The O.B., having delivered a charge, called upon the Secretary to read a temporary Charter from the Prov. Grand Lodge of Victoria, appointing Bro. John Kennedy Donald the First Master; P. Clark, Deputy Master; J.C. Moffatt, S.W.; W. Duesberry, J.W.; J. McDonald, Jnr., Treasurer; T. Hamilton, Secretary; J.A. Rath, S.D.; A.R. Moffatt, J.D.; D. Rodgers, I.G., and H. Dawe, O.G. The Presiding Officer then delivered an Oration on Masonry, and, an anthem having been sung by the Brethren, the Jewels of the Lodge were delivered to the Presiding Officer and the W.M. elect and office-bearers were introduced. The consecrating elements - corn, wine and oil - were then presented and sprinkled, and after prayer by the officiating Chaplain, another anthem was sung by the Brethren. To the sound of solemn music the Members of the new Lodge afterwards passed round and saluted the O.B. Verses from scripture were read by the Chaplain and, anthem having been sung, the new Lodge was declared duly consecrated.

The Presiding Officer next proceeded with the Installation of the various officers as directed by the Warrant of Constitution, and the ceremony concluded with the singing of a Masonic Anthem. The Brethren afterwards sat down to a banquet prepared by Bro. Wright and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and replied to.

Bro. Montague Younger presided at the harmonium and his performance added greatly to the solemn effect of the ceremonial.

Bro. W.M. Boyce, Deputy Prov. Grand Master of the English Constitution, also assisted, and we hear that he is also Prov. Grand Master under the Scottish Constitution.

The fees of the day were seven Guineas for Initiation and a further two Pounds for annual dues; roughly equating to $277 in todays money.

The lodge moved several times between 1866 and 1928, when, on December 8th, a combined meeting of the local Lodges was held for the Dedication of the New Temple by the Grand Master, Most Wor. Bro. Charles Stumm at the current location at Nicholas Street.

Caledonian also had several numbers on the roll. With the formation of Queensland Grand Lodge in 1920, No.456 was replaced with No.8. A year later, the Queensland Grand Lodge unified with Grand Lodge of Queensland to form the United Grand Lodge of Queensland under which Caledonian was designated No.14 U.G.L.Q.

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