
Video Art Quiz

1) Name an Early artist mentioned in the article for CONCEPTUAL WORK performing in front of the camera. Describe a work (2 Points)

Howard Fried- Inside the Harlequin shows 2 films of Fried climbing the walls of his studio while connected to a harness.  The films loop at different lengths creating a close but contrasting effect.
2) Name an artist mentioned who deals with PERSONAL NARRATIVE. Describe a work. (2 Points) 
Joan Jonas-Left side,Right side shows Jonas two sides of her face, one side reversed in a mirror. The film switches back and forth from the image of the monitor and the image in the mirror.

3) Describe the piece you were most interested in viewing after reading the article. Look the work up on the links, and expand on Rush's comments. (2 Points)
I looked up the artist Pipilotti Rist and her video I'm not the girl who misses much. It is quite and interesting video. She just dances around and says "I'm not the girl who misses much" repeatedly in a high chipmunk voice. For some reason, I continued to watch it even though it hardly changed.

4) What do you better understand now about Video Art? (2 Points)
I have found out that there is a lot of things you can do with video to make art.  It is a completely different medium than a canvas or anything like that. It can bring you in and keep you visually interested. 

5) Based on Rush and this article, What makes Video Art vs. an "artful video"? (2 Points)
I can not tell what makes video art vs. an "artful" video.

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