
Friendship Dy SMS

Friendship is a silent gift of nature.. More old more strong.. More deep more clear.. More close more warm.. & Less words more understading. ...
Like a rose needs 'water' Like a season needs 'change'.Like poet needs 'pen'. I need u as a 'true fried'z.
Sabne kaha dosti ek dard hai, hamne kaha dard kabul hai! Sabne kaha dard ke saath ji na paoge, hamne kaha teri dosti ke saath marna kabul hai!
The sun is glazing, upon the sunlight i see the path of our friendship shining brightly knowing that it is so great to have a friend like YOU!
A rose exclusively for a nice person like u 4m an ever nice person like me. Keep the rose until it’s dry, keep my friendship until I die.
We had our ups and downs as nearly everybody does. But problems never last for long with special friends like us
Friendship is a golden knot which ties together, if you don’t break it you will be friend forever.
Life counts by the roads we travel. Some are smooth, some are rough, some I’d rather forget. But there’s one road I won’t regret…..The road where we met and became friends!

True friends never leave each other. True friends never part. They just sometimes sit silently, deep in each others HEART saying………I am still here
A good friend will come and bail u out if u r in jail.. A true friend cant, coz he is sittin next to u saying "Dude we r screwed !!
Lots of ANTS were on my CELL, I was even more Wondering how COME ants KNOW dat my cell contains contact of SWEET person like YOU..
Log milte hai Every Time Pasand aate hai Same Time Dosti hoti hai One Time Aur rehte hai Dil main Life Time.
Friendship and Love are medicine for any kind of pain.But be sure that there is no medicine in the world for the pain given by them....
It takes only a min to get a crush on hr to like someone..a day to love someone..but it takes a lifetime to forget a FRD like u,.
Relation is not colletion of HEARTS,But it is selection of HEARTS,All relations r not TRUE but TRUE relations r very FEW & it includes U…
A twinkle in ur eye made my day,ur smile made my week,ur laugh made my month,ur sweetness made my year,ur friendship made my LIFE.
God gives two gifts to humans.... One is chance & another is choice. Chance to have friends & Choice to select a friend like you!
Respect those friends who find TIME for U in their TIME TABLE... But love those person who dont consult TIME TABLE when U need them…
Friends are like street lights along the road,They dont make the distance any shorter. But they light up the paath,And make the walk worth while
Feeling of love + Moment of caring + Small small sharing+ Stupid fights+ Shoulders 2cry +2b 2gether in pain Creates a miracle called FRIEND.
Sweetness can be defined without honey. Fragnance can be defined without Rose. But, friendship can't be defined without YOU
"Those are the same stars, and that is the same moon, that look down upon your brothers and sisters, and which they see as they look up to them, though they are ever so far away from us, and each other."
As I saw ants crawl up the wall, I noticed that no matter how busy they are, they still stop and communicate with each other. I hope we can be like them.
FEW RELATIONS IN EARTH NEVER DIE.. Take first letter from each word of the above said statement & then u will get that unique word... FRIEND

Chote se DIL ko milte gam bahut he
ZINDGI me milte hr pal ZAKHM bahut he
MAAR hi dalti kab hi ye DUNIYA
KAMBAKHT kuch DOSTO ki DUAO me DAM bahut he. ;-)

Is dil ki hai ek CONDITION.
Jisme nahi kisi ko Permission.
Sirf aap jaise DOST
wo bahi bina DONITION.
Just maintain GOOD RELATION. :0)
Love Means 668437
Advice Means 8322437
Anytime 374363
Life Means 847455
FRIEND Means 968

jst go 2 edit &
on T9 Dictionary Mode
& Type.

I decided to send u da cutest n sweetest gift of da world. But postman shouted at me saying, Get out of the post box.

Best lines by a best friend: "It hurts me wen u talk 2 som1 else n not me.. .. it hurts even mor wen som1 else maks u smile n i cant.

Frenship is not abt 5ndng similarities, its abt respecting differences. u r not my fren coz u r like me, i accept u n respct u way ur.

If care is wave I gve u sea. If respect is leaf I gve u tree. If Trust is planet I gve u galaxy, If frenship is life I gve u myself !

Frens r like fishes u hav 2 sit patiently 4 a long time 2 catch a nice 1 just like i caught u better stay nice r il fry u.

One tree can start a forest, one smile can start a friendship. One touch can show you care, one friend can make life worth living.

Mak 1000's frens Its not an achievement 2 mak 1000's frens in yr, but an achievement is wen u mak fren 4 1000's yrs.

Best Frens never have same Characteristics , They just have the best understanding of their differences !!

    Frenship is never an accident... its somthng 1 has 2 nurture over da yrs.I hope evry yr our frenship bcoms stronger

Ther is gift that gold cannot buy, a blessing dats rare n true, dats gift of 1derful fren like fren dat i have in u!

dA tEst oF fReNsHip dOseN't cOmS wen u R 2GethEr. It cOmEs wHeN u ParT waYs n u ReaLizE dEsPitE dIsTanCe,fREnshIp iS sTiL tHeR...

dA tEst oF fReNsHip dOseN't cOmS wen u R 2GethEr. It cOmEs wHeN u ParT waYs n u ReaLizE dEsPitE dIsTanCe,thE fRiEndshIp iS sTilL tHeRe...

dA tEst oF fReNsHip dOseN't cOmS wen u R 2GethEr. It cOmEs wHeN u ParT waYs n u ReaLizE dEsPitE dIsTanCe,thE fRiEndshIp iS sTilL tHeRe...

A little clown is living in my heart. Small n vry spl. It can dance n jump,laugh n sing. r u in pain n u need 2 cry,come n borrow it!

We've known each othr by CHANCE, bcame frens by CHOICE, still frens by DECISION. n wen v say FRENS 4EVR, its lifetime PROMISE!

The times v shard is like shooting star... the time is short but realy beautiful moments.... 4evr engravd in our hearts.... Frens 4evr

FRIENDSHIP is like a tree... Its not MEASURED on how TALL it b, but is how DEEP ROOTS HAVE GROWN... HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY!!!

FRIENDSHIP isnt how U 4Get but how U 4Gve, Not how U liSten but how U UnderStand, Not wat U c but how U feel,n how U hold oN...

B4 3 days, B4 72 hrs, B4 4990 mins, B4 302100 secs, I m da 1st Who is vshin u HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY! on 01st August

Pain of missing frens is realised wen u r alone watchng a gang of frens njoyng in front of U n U remembrng d past wich u spent vth ur frens

Sumtymz I find my hands ful of Frens I want 2 hold 'em ti8 as I fear losing 'em, den I laugh, Wen I realize tat they r 1s holding me....

2 thngs r imp in Our life.!. Fren Frenship 1st 1, u shud make! 2nd 1, U shud kEEp.! Happy Friendship Day

Frenship Is Genuine Wen 2 Frens Can njoy Each Othrs Company vthout Speaking Word 2 1 Another Happy Friendship Day

Frens r like mornings, U cant hav them whole day, But U can b sure, Theyl b ther wen U wake up, 2morow,next week,next yr..,

God gvs us 2 Gifts... 1 is chance n other is choice, Chance 2 hav frens n choice 2 select best 1s like U. "HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY"

Flower remembers bees, Fish remembers Water, Tree remembers Rain, At tdis moment I remember u! 2 say happy friendship day 2 U!

With u bside my fren I hav cn my world becoming a beautiful place....My dreams turning into reality

There are no strings attached to a friendship, no bonds to hold or ties to bind. Friendship stand on its own

Friendship is a place where dreams are nurtured, shared, celebrated, a place where happiness begins

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