
The Law of Attraction

(Characters used R not in Real) 

The Law of Attraction is the universal law that can help you find your soulmate. It says that you will attract to you those people, events, and experiences that match your state of being. If you focus on having gratitude for the love, companionship, and joy you have in your life right now, you will attract more of that into your life. If you focus on what you don’t have, you will send out a message of lack and you will attract more lack into your life.

In the movie “Conversations with God” the character Neale says to God: “I just want my life back.” And God says to Neale: “You can’t have anything that you want.”

They then have an entire dialogue where God explains to Neale that by ‘wanting something (or someone)’ all you get to have is the experience, the feeling of ‘wanting'. I think there's something to be learned from that.
As part of the preparation to manifest your soul mate I suggest that you begin the process of “living as if.” This means that your daily actions become congruent with your beliefs. For instance, I once heard a story about the great actress Della Reese. During the time she was waiting for her soul mate to arrive, she would set a place at the table for him each time she had a meal. Eventually, he arrived. Della sent a clear message to the Universe and the Universe delivered. 

Many years ago, there was a woman by the name of Gayle that was advised by her astrologer to put her intentions for a soul mate into the world by coloring a mandala. She took a black & white mandala and a rainbow of multi-colored pencils and began declaring her intentions while she colored in a space on the mandala. She asked for things like: finding the perfect spiritual friend and lover to go through life with; a man who is kind to animals; someone who would appreciate her sense of humor; a man who would be accepting and open to her spiritual quest. For each intention she used a different color until the entire mandala became a multi-hued Technicolor testimony to the qualities she desired in her future partner. Within weeks of doing this she met her soul mate and they have now been married for more than 20 years!

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