
The Taj Mahal

From where did you get this marble! 
Who had carved this magnificent edifice! 
It stands firm on the earth withstanding
The ranges of time.

It was destined perhaps that you would be
The creator of this palataial building, 
Emperor Shahjahan! 
Perhaps you asked your beloved 
What was her last wish! 
What did she say from her deathly silence? 
' Emperor of India, build me Taj Mahal
On the bank of Yamuna
Which will be ever new and glowing.'

Perhaps on that day 
Two drops of tears
Had rolled on the body of your beloved, 
As if like a promise
'I will do it beloved'
One can hear those unspoken words
Even today
On the bank river Yamuna
In this temple of white stone.
The pair of lovers
Have vanished into
the eternity of time.
But one remembers
Their names even today
As was done across the ages.

What a lamp did you light Emperor! 
In the memory of your beloved! 
Even after years and ages
It has not obliterated.
Even today one is filled with grief
And tears fill the eyes; 
And one can hear the Emperor crying
'Come back my beloved'. 

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