
Tilted Tens: Odd Clocks

With Daylight Savings Time our days became longer and our clocks will get a work out trying to get us up for work and school. Here are some fun clocks that might make getting up fun or devilishly hard. These are in no specific order, but they are odd and interesting.


Devout Cuckoo

This clock is one of a kind and is created from a real cuckoo with a digitized clock stuck inside of it, what makes me wonder is how the cuckoo is spread like Jesus and piked on the wall. Interesting clock from artist Michael Sans, it really makes you think.


Wake n Bake

This wooden piggy does more than blink the time to you. It oinks every minute on the minute and when it is time to wake you up it cooks a slice of frozen bacon until it is done. The idea is that you wake up to the smell of frying bacon.



This cute alarm clock leaves its pedestal and moves around the room until you catch it. That will get you on your feet fast.


Firehouse Rock

This alarm will not only get you up, but your neighbors and their neighbors. If you don’t watch out you will find firefighters on your lawn asking for their bell back.



The more you snooze the more charity has to gain. Each time you hit the snooze button money is deducted from your bank account and given to a charity that you hate. It’s ok, sleep in lazy bones.



To deactivate the alarm on this little demonic toy you have to point the laser gun at the middle of the target, it won’t stop until your aim is correct.



Choose the right color to disconnect and this alarm will stop, if you don’t it will invade your sleep with bomb explosion sounds until you get it right.


Aphelion Clock

This clock fights back, if you hit the snooze button it flings a ball at you, if you don’t return the ball then it won’t stop going off. Anyone for ping pong in the morning?



Crazy, fun, and still wakes you up. This wild clock should make any foodie happy. When the alarm goes off the little balls inside the clock blender swirl around and a funny tune plays.


Mom’s Favorite

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